Portable Solar Light Tower Chaw tsim tshuaj paus

Lus piav qhia luv luv:




Tsim muaj zog, muaj kev nyab xeeb thiab txhim khu kev qha uas tsis muaj hluav taws xob ua haujlwm.

Cov hnub ci vaj huam sib luag no tuaj yeem siv rau txhua daim ntawv thov, qhov twg yuav tsum muaj lub tshuab hluav taws xob, roj lossis hluav taws xob hluav taws xob-powered lub teeb ntauwd.

Product Detail

Technical Data

Qauv SRT 1000 SLT SRT 1100 SLT SRT 1200 SLT
Hom Teeb 4 x 100W LED 4 x 150W LED 4 x 200W LED
Teeb pom kev zoo DC 24V, 60,000 LUS DC 24V, 60,000 LUS DC 24V, 60,000 LUS
Hnub Ci Vaj Huam Sib Luag Monocrystalline Silicon Monocrystalline Silicon Monocrystalline Silicon
Rate Hwj chim 3x370 wb 3x370 wb 6x370 wb
PV Controller MPPT 40A MPPT 40A MPPT 40A
Hom roj teeb Gel- roj teeb Gel- roj teeb Gel- roj teeb
Tsis muaj roj teeb 6 x 150AH DC 12V 6 x 150AH DC 12V 6 X 250AH DC 12V
Roj Teeb Muaj Peev Xwm 900 AW 900 AW 1500 AW
Qhov System Voltage DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V
Mast Telescopic, Aluminium Telescopic, Aluminium Telescopic, Aluminium
Qhov siab tshaj plaws 7.5m / 9m yeem 7.5m / 9m yeem 7.5m / 9m yeem
Cua ntsuas ceev 100 KM / H 100 KM / H 100 KM / H
Lifting System Phau ntawv / Electric Phau ntawv / Electric Phau ntawv / Electric
AC tso zis 16 A 16 A 16 A
Axle NO: Ib leeg qag Ib leeg qag Ib leeg qag
Tire thiab Rim 15 nti 15 nti 15 nti
Stabilizers 4PCS phau ntawv 4PCS phau ntawv 4PCS phau ntawv
Tow Hitch 50mm pob / 70mm Nplhaib 50mm pob / 70mm Nplhaib 50mm pob / 70mm Nplhaib
Xim Customized Customized Customized
Ua haujlwm kub -35-60 ℃ -35-60 ℃ -35-60 ℃
Lub Sijhawm Tshem Tawm Roj Teeb 24 teev 24 teev 36 hnu
Lub sij hawm them nqi (Solar) 6,8h ua 7 hnu 15 teev
Standby Generator 3kw Inverter Gasoline generator / 5kw ntsiag to diesel generator
Qhov ntev 3325x1575x2685mm @ 6m 3325x1575x2525mm @ 7m 3325x1575x2860mm @ 9m 3325x1575x2525mm @ 7m 3325x1575x2860mm @ 9m
Qhov hnyav qhuav 1 175kg 12 65kg 12 75kg
20GP thawv 3 units 3 units 3 units
40HQ thawv 7 units 7 units 7 units

Khoom Qhia

Mobile hnub ci teeb ntauwd cov ntsiab lus 1
Mobile hnub ci teeb ntauwd cov ntsiab lus 5
Mobile hnub ci teeb ntauwd cov ntsiab lus 3
Mobile hnub ci teeb ntauwd cov ntsiab lus 2
Mobile hnub ci teeb ntauwd cov ntsiab lus 6
Mobile hnub ci teeb ntauwd cov ntsiab lus 4

Khoom nta

● Muaj peev xwm ua tau raws li tsis muaj lub hauv paus thiab roj teeb tsis txaus ib puag ncig.

● Kev ua haujlwm siab LED teeb pom kev zoo.

● Slided thiab folded solar panels, compact thiab ntsuab.

● Lub hnub ci vaj huam sib luag tuaj yeem tswj tau los ntawm lub laub pas nrig.

● Yooj yim mains input thiab roj av inverter generator input interfaces.

● Tawm txoj kev trailer ceev ≤25km / h

Kev xaiv (nrog rau tus nqi ntxiv)

■ Hluav taws xob winch, ntsug telescopic mast.

■ Cov zis ntsaws yog xaiv tau raws li qhov voltage, uas tuaj yeem thauj khoom ntau yam khoom siv hluav taws xob.

■ Standby roj av / diesel generator them lub roj teeb thaum tsis txaus.

■ Nruab nrog 4G router thiab lub vev xaib lub koob yees duab, txhawb kev ua haujlwm ntawm kev saib xyuas txoj kev.

■ Teem caij Load Model (a. 24 teev ua haujlwm b. Cov sij hawm ua hauj lwm teem 8 teev ua hauj lwm hmo ntuj xwb).

■ On-txoj kev trailer ceev ≤80km / h

ECO Tus phooj ywg & Tsawg Emission, Ua tiav kev ntsiag to thiab huab cua ntshiab.

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